The Bowl Headed

Fashion + Imagery


January 4, 2018

First For The Year

We've survived 2017 and life.
Happy New Year!

Nothing compares to the joyous sounds of fireworks bombarding the night sky, if not the rippling cheers of people that greet “Happy New Year!”. Now that we’ve bid goodbye to a year that was existentially hard for everyone, we start one anew and fresh. We've all been in this very same position: Saying goodbye to another chapter of our lives and anxiously waiting for one to begin. 2017, to say the least, has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. It was a year of massive ups and downs, drastic changes, losses—all in different magnitude. I'd like to begin this post by simply imposing a cliché 365/365 to you and that by complying a whole year only means we've survived 2017 and life. It was generally a hard year, although no year has always been easy, but 2017 was different. 

Last year we’ve all been victims of the cruelty of some, suffocated through all the turmoil of the restless savagery. It should be at the hopes of many that in the coming year, less— or none at the extent, violence mainstream in our lives. It is exhausting. Bloods shed, lost lives, all these served daily to us in an unwanted platter. Sometimes the shallowness of pop-culture serves as relief in an unending symphony of catastrophic events. Taylor Swift and her ‘Reputation’, Selena going back to Justin, yes they were not as good of news but good enough to divert our attentions from being weary of devastation.

Here’s to hoping that 2018 bring better of humanity and hope for change; More peace from one another and an unending love affair with respect. The only way we have is forward and we shall by imposing the gravity of the repercussions that have been done; that we have to, if not or can’t stop, at least mitigate the magnitude of these heartlessness.  Let us continue to strive in making this world a better place to live in, not only for us but also for the coming generations.

Love and love more this 2018! Happy New Year!  

Pierre Lindsey


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