The Bowl Headed

Fashion + Imagery


June 5, 2016

When Life Gives You Sleeves, Make It Extra-Long.

It was never about the stop.
It was always about the perseverance to continue. 
And with perseverance, let's heart-to-heart on why it's good to sometimes fail
and let's also trace extra-long sleeves down to its' roots.

This look not only commemorates the extra long-ness of our sleeves nowadays, but also the slow and steady comeback of my collegiate life. 

School will again be starting nine days from now and will once again be drenched in restrictive rules and bedecked bulletin boards welcoming students back. If there's anything I'm really excited about, it's to go back to school and immerse myself once again in some hell-bound process. It's been a long history to tell as to why, but let's just put it this way, that sometimes destiny has a way of telling you, you're not ready yet.

Sad, but that's how it is and that's how my life is.

In a time where people are trying to book jobs, stabilize their lives, and better their future, you get to ask yourself the question: what did I do wrong? Maybe, it wasn't with what you did wrong, but with what you didn't do to make it right. There are also times we can just all sit still and grasp a failing moment and say, "I did my best". Maybe it isn't for some, but doing your best is synonymous to effort and effort is still effort. That's why, with where I am now, I can only look back and smile at the fact that I did my best at everything despite the results. It was bad, but the greatest thing about failing is not having to do it all over again to give your best the second time, but failing and having to learn something from the failure. And that's something you just can't get at any given circumstance. I know I've mentioned somewhere in a post how my situation right now is currently in idle mode and over the course of time of me being temporarily out of school, what I'm most happy about is my effort to get back, to finish where I've left off. I've always believed in finish what you started. It's not easy and simple as just saying it, but it took about really encouraging myself with the passion I had as a design student. It needed reigniting and maybe the stop was what it all needed to light its' flames again.      

If you love what you do, you do it no matter what.

We can all conclude, that with effort bears beautiful results. I can say the same with design, the initial process alone entails efforts. First you have to come up with new ideas, look for references, or even so look for what's not developed yet. That alone is effort itself. With designer's number growing, few have proven to be really mindful with their efforts into making new pieces as an innovation, few have proven to shake the grounds of fashion. Marc Jacobs and Vetements, to name a few, who started the now cult favorite extra-long sleeves, which in my thoughts have really changed the way fashion looks, made it really clear that if you put so much effort and thought into the pieces you show off, it will undeniably translate to all whose interests are in parallel. From Marc Jacobs Spring 2016 collection to Vetements' basic reinventions, extra-long sleeves have made it's way into becoming a cult favorite and a street-style star. But maybe, we can trace this trend back to when girls unconsciously made everything of their boyfriend's unwittingly stylish. Since then, extra-long sleeves have created a zeitgeist of how socially acceptable it is to dress sloppy, but still look decent. In commemoration to a breakthrough reinvention, here's a look I've put up of which I greatly think emulates the coolness and rawness of an extra-long sleeves, it's a basic silhouette only exaggerated in proportions. Like extra-long sleeves, simple yet exaggerated.

hat Forever 21 | top Pierre Lindsey | pants Custom Made

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