The Bowl Headed

Fashion + Imagery


April 17, 2016

Summer Distress/ Destress

"If you are well under the tropics, set your mind whether to dress accordingly with the weather or go against it and bathe in sweat."
Summer is not all fun and games, as with it entails a huge transitioning from heavy-acceptable layers to cotton shirts and skimpy suits. Evident to that are most fashion mavens on the other side of the world (or those living with four seasons a year-- technically they are going spring, summer for us), who are juggling their heads around transitional pieces-- it's subjective; it goes beyond one's personal definition. But if you are well under the tropics, there's no transitioning except, but set your mind whether to dress accordingly with the weather or go against it and bathe in sweat. I choose the latter. As. Always. It's not a surprising choice I guess, as I've fundamentally built my style around the irrelevance of weather in fashion, unless ever necessary. 

To elaborate an earlier statement about 'transitional pieces' being subjective, I guess, any can fit the mold. There's a vast option to choose from depending on how you parallel your taste with (or the weather for that matter). For some: they can work with button-ups, others go for bomber jackets, some even pull-overs. I mean come on, I think out of the three I've mentioned what's really practical for an equatorial island are the white button-ups. But sometimes, being the fashion slaves that we are we tend not to argue what fashion-driven publishing suggests, per say Vogue-- who in an article suggested the later two mentioned. But if fools be fools, and some decided to oblige then who are to judge? right? To follow or not, transitional pieces depends on how we foresee our style and how we approach the season.

Who am I to talk about transitioning fashion from one season to another? I, for one in all honesty haven't even tried doing so. I'd be delusional if I did say I have, pretending it was Fall months ago when it was just heavily raining and it's Spring now, when all we ever have is Summer. I guess, it would be tacky to even tell you to stop reading from here on out when your through two paragraphs now. But hear me out, I've been rummaging through blogs and have notably seen most bloggers blab about transitioning and in my conscience I want to share with you guys how I take on this phenomenon in fashion. So here's how I suppose I'll transition to summer, supposedly, and hopefully you guys as well.

So here are my advice to keep you through this summer-dilemma:

1. Detain the palettes of the colder weather and wear the silhouettes and fabrics of the warmer season. I guess that would be the most efficient advice I can give for people in the tropics, as I am, wanting to transition. Per say, the cult classic Black and White combination in a form of White button-up and wrap-around skirt (second look).

2. Tone down the layering for a month or two; be reasonable and smart with the fabrics and pieces you layer on to keep the balance.... and the sanity. Tropics is as to Heat, let's keep that in mind if you don't want to be a walking sauna.

3. This might be a perfect time to show off your 'basic' skills and by basic I mean how you style the basic necessities of fashion (e.g White T-shirt, button-up, a pair of denim anything). As they say, you can never go wrong with these pieces, what I did was wear a gingham top under a denim dungaree-- ta da!

4. Lastly, bring flowers. In my case, this bouquet of beautiful Asters to convince people it's Summer (or Spring). I mean, what's more allegorical for Summer or Spring than flowers aside the beaches?

There goes another set of advice from moi.
Let's keep being stylish a priority after our major priorities in life, after all whatever season we're in, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

Look 1: gingham top Pierre Lindsey | dungaree Thrift | boots Windsorsmith
Look 2: top Thrift | skirt Pierre Lindsey | shoes Windsorsmith

Make-up by:
Alyssa Gantuangco

Photographed by:
Judy Tabra
Maria Lambaco

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