The Bowl Headed

Fashion + Imagery


March 19, 2016

Slip On / Slip In

"In a lazy man's perspective, a garment made for boudoir might be just his saving grace. It is in equal parts femme, irreverent, and just."

 There are two types of people in the spectrum of fashion: those who go for quality and those who go for quantity; similarly, there are people who prefer the luxury of fashion and there are those who are just mere practicals. 

Whatever the price-tag, there is presumably a pleasure of guilt whenever purchased- fashion is fashion. And in this ever changing-world, where fashion is faster than our internet connections and where it is always trickling-down, we are on the look out for knock-offs in parallel to our means. And there is an abundance of that in this millennia- We have fashion retailers to thank for that. In line with the pace of fashion there is online shopping, a help for those who prefer to turn their homes into malls. And like trickled-down fashion, online stores are as abundant. Evident to that is on Instagram, there's just so much sprouting out in every minute; there are also those who prefer the classic- their own website. But whichever they prefer, an online store is an online store no matter the platform. 

There are thousands out there, some I occasionally visit for self-pity and some for the hope of good convincing. Just last month, I was introduced to this website called 'Dresslink'- a store based in China, through an email. What sets this store from the rest? its' low-priced retails- there's literally a price for every bourgeois consumers. If you don't believe me a bit, then might as well have a check for yourself- (check out It was a pool I skeptically dove in as it was a first in every facet of blogging-tries. I just said 'Let's give it a go!'. I was able to get two things mutually into my taste. But, in all honesty, I zeroed in at expectations especially having read mixed reviews online. I have equipped myself with the probability that it's not what I was hoping it to be, but instead, I was rather left absurdly satisfied. A feeling I genuinely had by the time I got hold of the clothes. 

A con that was noticeably evident in reviews was with the sizing- some may have overlooked the fact that this was made in an Asian country and presumably for Asians, so to be sure I went for pieces that offered the biggest sizes and one of it was this Black Slip On dress. Priced at $5.06 (Php 220.00), I guess saying it was worth it would be an understatement, but it was. I love how it fits, the fabric was okay- but I do love how it photographs.
In a lazy man's perspective, a garment made for boudoir might be just his saving grace. It is in equal parts femme, irreverent, and just. The societal norm might disapprove of this post, but the striving voice of a person in fashion wants to be heard. And as I've previously said in a post, men in dresses would be a new norm, so here's a small step closer to it. 

  But how do you effectively style a slip on without looking like you've just come out of the bed (not that it's morally wrong) or you wanna host a slumber party (again, not that it's morally wrong)?

 1. Think in LAYERS. For me, ever since I've introduced myself to that way of styling, I've tried convincing myself to further acquire the skill set. So think in layers, not that it's wrong to just wear a slip-on as it is, in fact with the right shoe, it'll be as good as your Little Black Dress. But think two or more pieces for one look. What is fascinating with thinking in layers, is that you'll soon realize the many potential of a single garment, per say this slip on- Like the first look, it wasn't a day to be called a dress, it was a top overlaid to another top creating a more vigorous effect. With the second look, to tone it down a bit was to a more casual approach- indecisive approach. If you're really the type to wear it as a dress, then do so, but step it up by wearing multiple cover ups (for an indecisive touch do it with contrasting prints).  

2. Think OUT OF THE BED. As the common goal is to look somewhere far from our boudoirs, we should think of places to wear this to apart from our own private reserves. It is essentially right that bed should be scraped off from the options, think far (e.g going to a dinner date, buying groceries).

3. Think of FINISHERS. To refresh you: Finishers are
 Something that finishes an outfit as a whole or; something that keeps the look in a put-together state.
Think of accessories to finish your slip on with: chokers, bags- multiple bags, hats, etcetera. You have a limitless option, just note if it goes with your slip on good, if it doesn't better.

look 1: top Thrift | slip on Dresslink | pants Custom Made | shoes H&M
look 2: slip on Dresslink | tops Thrift | boots H&M

Visit Dresslink at
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